Empire of Reason Commentary No. 6

To:  The People of the United States, July 26, 2020

True Nature of American Fascism

In the democratic forms of government the operation of universal suffrage tends toward the selection of the average man for public office rather than the man qualified by birth, education and integrity.  How this scheme of administration will ultimately work out remains to be seen but from a racial point of view it will inevitably increase the preponderance of the lower types and cause a corresponding loss of efficiency in the community as a whole.  Madison Grant.[1]

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The despicable sequence of events that have been unfolding for many months on America’s southern border has drawn that veil from the hideous face of Fascism which leers grotesquely from the Oval Office; a burqa of tyranny transparent all along to those who have eyes that can see, as opposed to acting as an impenetrable blinder to the uninitiated, apologists or supporters of that unpardonable stupidity of a premeditated humanitarian crisis.  An unprincipled regime which, at one point, seemed ready, willing and able to make war on children in an effort to extort money from the American taxpayer to fund that outward sign of America’s growing belligerence, Trump’s Wall.  Playing the race card to foster a Maginot mentality is a crowning achievement of this regime thus far, pleasing those intolerant political cretins within his base who find solace in such soulless demagoguery; but who seemed to have overlooked the fact that the master negotiator has failed to live up to a campaign promise:  To have Mexico ante up for the wall; leaving these bright lights to help pay for their Bigot’s Bulkhead.

          The racism inherent in Trumpism demonstrates an acceptance by an element in American society who view the lesser breeds as contaminants to their neatly arranged social, economic and political order.  Yet such racism is hardly original; the seeds of which had been planted in America’s colonial origins, as far back as 1619, when Dutch traders brought the first twenty Blacks to these shore as “laborers.”  The Red Man, too, was viewed as less than equal; but, of course, the White Man desired the Red Man’s land; or in the case of William Henry Harrison speaking of the Ohio Valley as “one of the fairest portions of the globe,” . . . secured for “the seat of civilization, of science, and the true religion.”[2]

          A like contempt was reserved for Filipinos, the inhabitants of Guam, Haitians and Puerto Ricans.  The last named are still second-class colonial types and, in reality, a hopelessly captive people.  And so the racist rantings of an authoritarian crackpot were bolstered by a chorus of the witless united in their refrain of “Build That Wall!”  Just another aspect of the bumper-sticker politics which has come to characterize American politics with such simplistic phrases as “Make America Great Again.”  But Trump is not Reagan, and this is not 1980.  Many, today, are opting instead for a nihilistic dead-end approach poured forth by a pied-piper of political perversion.  American hallmarks such as Rule of Law are rapidly wasting away in the face of a debauched attraction to authoritarianism.

          The so-called invasion from Central America is actually that residue of humanity seeking to escape more than a century of arrogant primacy known as the “White Man’s Burden,” another maxim built on capitalist exploitation.  A ruinous, parasitic policy which consigned the indigenous to, in many cases, the tender mercies of tin horn dictators and landed oligarchs in the pay of such presumptuous corporate monoliths as United Fruit, Coca-Cola, Chase Manhattan, U.S. Steel, Du Pont, Standard Oil, Texaco, Anaconda Copper, Ford, . . .   This was the American Empire’s laboratory, that workshop of imperialism where the United States honed its hegemonic skills and reduced the indigenous to the bondage of hand-to-mouth existence in that endless purgatory of tyranny.  Of course, if God did not want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep . . . this, of course, is in keeping with that sultan of supremacy who currently occupies the Oval Office.

          Yet forcibly separating children from their parents is a sordid process centuries old.  For instance, prior to the War Between the States, the nobility of Southern Aristocracy routinely farmed out the children of their unpaid toilers as new plantations came on line, as that Slaveocracy that was the American Gulag system expanded into the southwest.  In 19th century Europe, Papal goon squads would kidnap children from Jewish families so as to forcibly raise them as Christian, just another in a legion of ignoble Church practices which eventually culminated in the deserved demise of one of the most perverted European principalities, the Papal States.

           But the abhorrent assault on immigrant families is not merely directed against those seeking solace from the deplorable conditions of their homelands solely.  Not a bit of it.  The current regime is also putting domestic undesirables on notice—Blacks, Latinos, Muslims . . . transgress and this could be your lot.  This leads us, of course, to Constitutional infringements.  Amendment V, “No person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law . . . “ Amendment VIII, “nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”  Amendment XIV, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall . . . deny to any person in its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”  Such formed the rationale of Justice Robert Jackson in his ardent support for the trials at Nuremberg.  Nazi criminals, despite being guilty of monstrous crimes, deserved to be tried nevertheless.  That is Rule of Law.  Such is what should have been pursued in the case of Osama bin Laden.

          Torture perpetuated by the Bush-Cheney Oil Junta during the Iraq War; disregard of Constitutional precepts and the War Powers Act by Obama in Libya; the heinous handling of immigrants along the southern frontier by the current regime; these are just a few of the plethora of flagrant disregards for the Rule of Law that since Nuremberg, has seen this Nation swing from the Bench to the Dock.  That Shining City on the Hill, as once put forth by Reagan, is politically at this point, a tarnished, unrepentant burg of malevolent hypocrisy.


[1]  See page 14, Part I:  Race, Language and Nationality, Chapter 1, “Race and Democracy,” The Passing of the Great Race, by Madison Grant.

[2]  See page 165, Chapter 7, “America Escapes From Europe,” The American Nation:  A History of the United States to 1877, by John A. Garraty.

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Mark Albertson

