Empire of Reason
Author/Speaker Biography
Mark Albertson is the historical research editor at Army Aviation magazine in Monroe, Connecticut; and, is the historian for the Army Aviation Association of America. He has authored several books:
USS Connecticut: Constitution State Battleship
They’ll Have to Follow You! The Triumph of the Great White Fleet
On History: A Treatise
Mark has been at work on a complete history of Army Aviation, Sky Soldiers: The Saga of Army Aviation. Volume one is complete. Volume two is some two-thirds finished. Upon completion the effort will be some 1,000-plus pages.
He is also at work on another long-term project, the Writings & Documents of Army Aviation, to which volume one is complete.
Mark has taught as an adjunct at Norwalk Community College for many years: The Extended Studies Program (no longer teaching in this curriculum) and Lifetime Learners Institute. Such courses as: The Turning Points of World War II; The Great Patriotic War: The Titanic Clash Between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union; World War I; Vietnam: Struggle for Unification; Empire of Reason (founding aspects of the American Republic); American Empire: Grand Republic to Corporate State; The French Revolution; The Russian Revolution; The Nazi Revolution; The Nazi State; The Revolt of the Planters (revolutionary aspects of the American Civil War); Industrialization of Racial Hygiene (Final Solution); The Great Game: Quest for Empire, 1756-2024; Iraq: Creation of Colonialism; Jihad!
Besides publishing books, Mark has written articles in numerous magazines and newspapers.
As an avid speaker, Mark lectures on a wide variety of topics related to history, current events and politics; and does so in a wide variety of venues: From assisted living facilities and community centers to historical societies and libraries. In addition, he has lectured at the American Legion State Convention in Connecticut and the two-day Connecticut at War Symposium at Manchester Community College. In 2017, Mark was selected by the League of Women Voters in Connecticut to take part in two debates on the Electoral College. In 2018, Mark lectured at Hyde Park, the Roosevelt Estate, for the centennial of World War I for the Western Front Association. In 2012, at the Army Aviation Association of America annual convention in Nashville, Tennessee, Mark emceed a roundtable discussion by seven United States Army Aviation generals, all former commanders of the Aviation Branch of the United States Army.
In addition to history, current events and politics, Mark lectures on entertainment, from the Silent Age of Film, through the Golden Age of Film and early Television. Among the stars presented are, Charlie Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy, Humphrey Bogart, Olivia de Havilland, Clark Gable, Bette Davis, John Wayne, Katherine Hepburn, Lucille Ball, the Great One: Jackie Gleason. . . .
In May 2005, Mark was presented with a General Assembly Citation by both houses of the State Legislature in Hartford, Connecticut for his work in commemorating the centennial of Battleship Connecticut.
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